FLAVOUR PROFILE: Mango, dark chocolate, plum and caramel sweetness, long stone fruit finish
FARMS: San Fernando Natural
LOCATION: Inkawasi District, Cusco, Peru
ALTITUDE: 1800 - 2400 masl.
PROCESS: Natural

Originating from what was once the Inca empire in the Cusco region of Peru, these coffees stem from plantations nestled beneath the snowy Choqesafra valley in the Inkawasi district. Indigenous farmers here honor their ancestral legacy by tending to the land in harmony with the environment and nature. The coffee trees thrive under the shade, while meticulous attention is paid to soil health and irrigation practices.
These distinctive coffees are a blend of the efforts of two cooperatives, Valle Incahuasi and Cooperativa San Fernando. With a collective membership of 1000, each member tends to an average of 1.50 hectares of coffee land, yielding approximately 20qq/hectare or 20 bags of green coffee per farm during each harvest.
Renowned for their exceptional quality, these coffees gained recognition in 2020 when an Incahuasi producer secured the top spot in the Cup of Excellence with a washed geisha lot. Additionally, two more of their producers secured positions in the top 10. Within each locality, a central processing plant oversees the journey of cherry coffee from collection to pulping, fermentation, washing, drying, and temporary storage. These steps culminate in a transfer to the central warehouse, where meticulous sensory and physical evaluations are performed by the quality analyst.
When it comes to the natural process, the coffees hail from four distinct regions: San Fernando, Pacayamba, Amabamba, and Apaylla. Cooperativa Incahuasi supervises the meticulous processing. San Fernando contributes the majority of the cherry, around 60-70% of the total volume. The journey begins with a harvest marked by selective picking and meticulous cherry separation. After thorough cleaning and washing, the coffee graces raised African-style drying beds. Over a span of 28 days, the coffee undergoes regular turning to ensure uniformity and consistency. This natural process safeguards the environment by minimizing water usage and energy consumption, relying instead on the sun's natural warmth for drying. Once moisture levels reach 10%, the coffee is stored in the warehouse for resting, cupping, and categorization. Following the mill's careful separation and evaluation, the San Fernando lot is expertly bagged, milled, and prepared for export in Lima.